Wanted to float an idea I heard about which may or may not be of interest as the Year group is still relatively small. There will be a number of birthday parties over the next 6 years of junior school. Instead of buying individual presents each time, families put £5 in to a collection towards a voucher from Amazon. This is then emailed to the parent a week before the party/ birthday so that they can purchase a gift/s to be given to the child on their birthday which is on their wish list. A PayPal account can be set up specifically for the Year group so transactions are visible to all.

Good idea but would like more information [ 5 votes] 50%
No thanks don't think it will work [ 2 votes] 20%
Yes please [ 2 votes] 20%
No thanks [ 1 vote] 10%
10 vote(s) . Closed at Saturday, October 2, 2021, at 6:09pm

Poll created on Thursday, September 2, 2021, at 6:09pm
Created By: Anonymous ( Create Your Account )
Poll is closed.
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