Welke tijdstippen en dagen passen jou om elkaar te treffen in een teams meeting met klas DigiVDT1D? (Nederlandse tijd) (Heb je geen voorkeur, klik dan alle opties aan aub.)

Start om 17u [ 3 votes] 50%
Start om 18u [ 1 vote] 16.67%
Maandag [ 1 vote] 16.67%
Donderdag [ 1 vote] 16.67%
Start om 19u [ 0 vote] 0%
Start om 20u [ 0 vote] 0%
Dinsdag [ 0 vote] 0%
Woensdag [ 0 vote] 0%
Vrijdag [ 0 vote] 0%
Zaterdag [ 0 vote] 0%
6 vote(s) . Closed at Sunday, September 5, 2021, at 10:15am

Poll created on Sunday, August 29, 2021, at 10:15am
Created By: Anonymous ( Create Your Account )
Poll is closed.
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