What onsite natural experiences do people dream about when visiting or living on the property?

Natural pool I can dunk into on a hot summer day [ 3 votes] 30%
Garden I can walk out to and pick vegetables for dinner [ 1 vote] 10%
Forest trails that I can get lost in, escaping from the beaten path [ 1 vote] 10%
Perfumed pathways overflowing with fragrant flowers I can pick [ 1 vote] 10%
Shady tree I can lean against to read a book [ 1 vote] 10%
Soft clover field where we can toss a frisbee barefoot [ 1 vote] 10%
Beds of fresh herbs I can cut for cocktails, salads, or pestos [ 1 vote] 10%
Sturdy branching tree I can climb and build a tree-house [ 1 vote] 10%
Wildflower meadow where we can have a picnic [ 0 vote] 0%
Orchard where I can pick apples, cherries, and figs [ 0 vote] 0%
Babbling brook I can lay down next to and nap [ 0 vote] 0%
Soft grassy hill I can roll down without scratches [ 0 vote] 0%
Fresh honey from our own local bee colony [ 0 vote] 0%
Your own idea! (Please DM Michael with it) [ 0 vote] 0%
10 vote(s) . Closed at Sunday, August 22, 2021, at 5:45pm

Poll created on Friday, August 20, 2021, at 5:45pm
Created By: Anonymous ( Create Your Account )
Poll is closed.
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