Which of these methods do you most prefer to receive virtual (online) lectures in for easiest assimilation?

A & B [ 7 votes] 25.93%
A =Text only [ 6 votes] 22.22%
A - D [ 5 votes] 18.52%
B, C, D [ 4 votes] 14.81%
A, B, C [ 2 votes] 7.41%
B =Voice notes/recordings only [ 1 vote] 3.7%
C =Videos [ 1 vote] 3.7%
A & C [ 1 vote] 3.7%
D= Illustrative images [ 0 vote] 0%
A & D [ 0 vote] 0%
A, C, D [ 0 vote] 0%
B & D [ 0 vote] 0%
C & D [ 0 vote] 0%
27 vote(s) . Closed at Monday, September 13, 2021, at 4:15pm

Poll created on Thursday, August 12, 2021, at 4:16pm
Created By: Anonymous ( Create Your Account )
Poll is closed.
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