Menú DCN (Que almorzamos con los pastores Sam y Hefzi? :3)

Criss y el restaurante de las lasañas de la semana del amor MENU COMPLETO EN EL SIGUIENTE MENSAJE(15bs y mas grande a 20bs) [ 9 votes] 42.86%
Karencita y sus sandwiches de caffeology ( a 20bs) [ 4 votes] 19.05%
Rosita Charke de can (doble Papa, doble huevo con mote y queso)(bs 15) [ 3 votes] 14.29%
pollo económico (1 presa spiedo o broaster arroz y/o fideo +papá frita) todo con sopa (bs 15) [ 3 votes] 14.29%
Pipoca de pollo con papa frita (bs10) [ 1 vote] 4.76%
Pollo frito (15bs) Y alitas de pollo (15 bs) [ 1 vote] 4.76%
Salchipapas de la cato (salchicha y papá frita con salsas) (bs 10) [ 0 vote] 0%
21 vote(s) . Closed at Friday, November 26, 2021, at 9:06am

Poll created on Tuesday, November 23, 2021, at 11:06pm
Created By: Anonymous ( Create Your Account )
Poll is closed.
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